Sunday, December 30, 2007

My New Year's Resolution

This year my New Year's resolution is a no brainer, one for the eternities: make my new bride the happiest woman alive for the rest of her life by my words and deeds.

And speaking of my sweetheart, here's some of the first pics of our wedding that I've received. As for our honeymoon, all I'll tell you is we didn't have the time nor the money to honeymoon in Intercourse, Pennsylvania; drats, that would've been so perfect, don't you think?

For those of you who have been following baby Jayden's arrival to earth, click onto "Eldest Son's Blog" (to the right) and watch the musical slide show that eldest son made of Jayden's first days on earth. It made this softy of a grandpa tear up.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Oh, you both look lovely! I hope married life is going well for you.